Drawn by hand, before being rendered and digitially printed onto the contrasting vamp of our Wilde Penny Loafer. A single rose. Otherwise known as love at first sight.
Made Different.
$ 41.09
$ 53.42
$ 41.09
$ 53.42
Drawn by hand, before being rendered and digitially printed onto the contrasting vamp of our Wilde Penny Loafer. A single rose. Otherwise known as love at first sight.
Made Different.
$ 17.95
$ 84.37
$ 64.90
$ 139.95
$ 97.95
$ 83.71
$ 64.39
$ 53.65
$ 41.27
$ 89.99
$ 89.90
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$ 159.95
$ 30.00
$ 83.98
$ 64.60